Books by Wendy Lowenstein Under The Hook


Melbourne Waterside Workers Remember

1981 and 1998 (2 editions)

There are 53 interviewees recorded in this collection recorded in the late 1980’s as research for Wendy’s book “Under the Hook”  The interviews are available with permission from the National Library of Australia or by inquiry to this website on the form below.

Under the Hook 2nd edition is available from the Port Melbourne Historical Society

Price: $ 30.00   Only a very limited number of copies of this iconic work and excellent reference remain.   

Compiled from interviews with many Port wharfies, it records their working lives and class war on the waterfront between 1900 and 1998. First published in 1982, the 1998 edition includes an added section on the Patrick conspiracy of that year.

Book Information:




Authors: Wendy Lowenstein and Tom Hills .   







  Sample Audio:

Tom Hills discusses working conditions on the wharf before Jim Healy was elected general secretary of the Waterside Workers Union in 1937.    


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